Project in Detail

Mom's Organic Milk Branding
December 29, 2018

Mom’s Organic Milk
Concourse Design Awards - Award of Excellence

Mom’s Organic Milk, A N.P.O. to promote breast-feeding, MOM lets people know about the benefits that breast-feeding gives babies and mothers, and encourages it positively. MOM refers to ‘the two things that have a close relationship and are impossible to separate from each other’ like ‘Organic’s dictionary definition. It ’emphasizes that breast-feeding babies is inevitable’, as moms and babies are in the inseparable relationship. It expresses that MOM has ‘a more excellent and greater, nature-friendly baby bottle’ than the plastic one in a witty way, and shows ‘the importance of breast-feeding’ in a familiar and lovable way.

(현재 프로젝트를 업데이트 중입니다.)



UNESCAP(유엔아시아태평양경제사회이사회), Arjo Wiggins(아조 위긴스)

Brand Naming
Brand Verbal Architecture
Brand Visual Architecture
Signage, Application
by Hydraft®